
Value Prop 1

text about your warranty

Value Prop 2

Text about all the different products you enjoy working on

Value Prop 3

Talk about what you think is important

High Quality

We apply the finest protective coating product available to any and all firearms and accessories.

Professional Results

We use various methods to achieve professional results on single color applications, complicated camo patterns or natural worn finishes to make your project a one of a kind creation or to look like something you’ve seen elsewhere.

Lifetime Guarantee

All work performed comes with a Lifetime Guarantee due to improper application or manufacturer material failure. Normal wear and tear will occur and depending on how you use your project. If the wear is excessive or unexpected, we’ll fix it for free. If it occurs because it fell off your side by side while high tailing it to your favorite hunting spot or while operating behind enemy lines, we’ll give you a nice discount for a repair or respray. We tend to give most customers the benefit of the doubt on this issue, but if it’s obvious abuse, expect a phone call when we receive your returned project.